A homeless man admitted to hospital on Friday tested positive for the new coronavirus (Covid-19), according to Samusocial spokesperson Christophe Thielens.
A second homeless man in hospital is still waiting for the result of his test, according to Samusocial, which provides emergency social assistance for homeless people and fights exclusion. An asylum seeker, who was sent to the hospital by Samusocial's centre e for asylum seekers in Neder-Over-Heembeek in Brussels, also tested positive.
On Friday, Samusocial opened a shelter in the Rue du Petit Rempart in Brussels for people suspected of being infected by the virus.
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Of the 19 beds currently available, four were occupied on Monday and three transfers were in progress. The last three patients, isolated in different centres, had to be seen by the doctor of the Joint Community Commission (Cocom) beforehand.
Samusocial, the NGO Médecins du Monde and the association of Infiermiers De Rue have also called for regular tests to be carried out on homeless and migrant populations, and on the social workers who care for them.
The Brussels Times