Life expectancy has increased in 18 EU countries since 2019

Life expectancy has increased in 18 EU countries since 2019
Credit: Canva

Life expectancy in the European Union (EU) rose in 2023, according to figures issued by Eurostat on Friday.

Compared to 2022, life expectancy increased by 0.9 years, and by 0.2 years over the pre-Covid period of 2019.

Romania saw the most significant surge from 2019, growing by one year. Lithuania followed with an increase of 0.8 years. Bulgaria, Czechia, Luxembourg and Malta each registered growth of 0.7 years.

Belgium also witnessed a rise, with an increase of 0.4 years, compared to the pre-pandemic era.

In contrast, Austria and Finland experienced the highest drop, both losing 0.4 years. Estonia and the Netherlands were close behind with a reduction of 0.2 years.

In 2023, Spain had the highest life expectancy in the EU at 84 years. Italy (83.8 years) and Malta (83.6 years) followed suit. At the lower end of the scale were Bulgaria (75.8 years), Latvia (75.9 years) and Romania (76.6 years).

Currently, the average life expectancy in the EU clocks in at 81.5 years.

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