Belgian minister calls for EU arms embargo on Israel

Belgian minister calls for EU arms embargo on Israel
Israeli soldiers walk near the border with Gaza Strip in southern Israel on March 12, 2024. Credit: Belga

Belgian Development Minister Caroline Gennez has called for an EU-wide arms embargo on Israel as it is threatening a full-scale invasion of Rafah in southern Gaza, where thousands of civilians are sheltering from the conflict.

Speaking at the European Council of Ministers for Development Cooperation on Tuesday, Gennez (Vooruit) said the council meeting had come at a critical time.

"Thousands of people are on the brink of starvation in the north of Gaza. In the south, the attack on Rafah seems to have begun and a bloodbath is imminent. Meanwhile, Europe is content to stand by and watch," she said.

Installing a sense of urgency, Gennez called out internal EU divisions which have hindered the EU from acting under a united voice to resolve the conflict, both when it comes to providing humanitarian aid and exporting weapons to Israel.

"Israeli government persists, even as key ally pushes back. A [full ground] invasion of Rafah would mean a massacre with thousands of innocent victims again,” the development minister asserted. "We must use all peaceful means to stop this insanity. Stop arms deliveries to Israel."

Europe is one of the biggest humanitarian donors to Palestine and Gaza, but the best way to improve the humanitarian situation immediately is to put an end to the violence, she added.

"It's absurd that we should be spending millions on humanitarian aid while certain Member States continue to supply arms to Israel. This has to stop," Gennez said. "If we give free rein to the extremes, the war will simply continue."

The development minister once again urged her EU colleagues to fully resume development aid for the Palestinian territories and funding for UNRWA, the United Nations agency for Palestine refugees.

The first part of European aid to UNRWA for 2024 – around €50 million – has already been paid, Gennez said. However, part of this aid is being withheld pending the results of an independent investigation into various accusations made by the Israeli government against UNRWA.

"Belgium has taken these accusations very seriously," added Gennez. "We have demanded absolute transparency from UNRWA, but also from the Israeli government. However, the Colonna report is clear: there is no evidence that UNRWA has any links with the terrorist organisation Hamas."

"Security checks on staff were already rigorous, and from now on they will be further tightened. There is no reason to wait any longer. The remaining part – around €32 million – must be paid as soon as possible. But the remaining Member States, whose aid is still suspended, must also resume their aid as a matter of urgency."

The Minister also condemned the suspension of EU development aid to the Palestinian territories.

"This development aid is used to build schools and hospitals and to set up services in the Palestinian territories. hospitals, to set up efficient and transparent public services and to support democratisation," Gennez continued.

She added that the aid is used to ensure that the occupied territories remain habitable for the Palestinian population and to prepare the country for independence, as part of a two-state solution. Belgium is also calling for swift payment of the European Commission’s financial support for 2023, the approval for the remaining support for 2024.

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