Ex-employees accuse Renew Europe MEP Vautmans of misusing EU money

Ex-employees accuse Renew Europe MEP Vautmans of misusing EU money
Open VLD MEP Hilde Vautmans. Credit: Belga

Belgian MEP Hilde Vautmans (Open VLD) misused European funds, a dozen former employees of the Renew Europe politician revealed to Knack. While they speak of "psychological intimidation," Vautmans herself speaks of "slanderous allegations."

Vautmans is an MEP and city councillor of the municipality of Sint-Truiden (in Limburg). For such a cumul, Europe has strict rules: an MEP is not allowed to have their assistants do any work in the framework of their local mandate if there is no connection with Europe.

However, the way Vautmans uses her European assistants is questionable, Knack reports based on testimonies from a dozen former employees of hers.

Additionally, a resident living near Vautmans was on the European payroll as a "local assistant" for years. While that is a perfectly legitimate status, such an employee is supposed to be deployed at the local level under their boss's European mandate, and that was not the case here.

Taxpayers' money

"I never saw him here in Brussels," a former employee told Knack. Local residents also report that the man in question was not doing any "European work" at all, but was doing many odd jobs for Vautmans and her family.

Other European employees of Vautmans were asked to go to Limburg to help bus election flyers for days on end – with the employees sometimes even being forced to take holidays to do so.

Ex-employees also testified how they had to pay their own phone charges for working at Vautmans. However, MEPs receive a monthly amount of €4,950 for such expenses.

Vautmans does not disclose these expenses (taxpayers' money) nor does she refund the monthly surpluses. On top of her European net salary of just under €8,000 and daily allowances of €350, Vautmans also receives a salary as city councillor in Sint-Truiden of €5,000.

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Asked to comment, Vautmans spoke of "defamatory allegations" and referred to documents that should prove that she has always acted "according to the strict rules." She added: "Obviously it is difficult to respond to anonymous accusations."

In the Flemish television programme De Zevende Dag, Open VLD leader Tom Ongena was asked about the issue.

"I heard Hilde on that. She guarantees that everything was done according to the rules and that there are strict controls. Hilde is one of the hardest working MPs," Ongena said, adding that it is difficult to defend against "anonymous" criticism.

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