People arriving in Spain from abroad will be subject to a 14-day quarantine, starting on Friday and for the duration of the state of emergency, according to a government decision published on Tuesday in the Official Gazette (BOE)
Currently, the state of emergency in the country is due to end on 24 May, but could be extended. If this is the case, travel restrictions will continue to apply.
Spain is following similar temporary quarantine measures pushed in many other European countries including the UK. Those people placed in solitary confinement will only be allowed to go out to buy basic necessities or to seek treatment, always wearing a mask, the text says.
It will be the responsibility of travel agencies and transportation companies to inform prospective customers about these requirements, and if it will impact their journey. Under the new measures, passengers will be given a Passenger Location Card which they must have with them when they enter the country.
Many who are required to cross borders for work will be excluded from the quarantine order, as long as they have not been in contact with anyone who has tested positive for the new Coronavirus (Covid-19).
“The favourable evolution of the epidemiological situation” and the start of the de-escalation process “make it necessary to reinforce control measures" based on the global distribution of the virus, the government explained.
The Brussels Times