Wallonia announces incentive pricing for electricity

Wallonia announces incentive pricing for electricity

From 1 January 2026, residents of Wallonia will have three tariff options for their electricity consumption, the Wallonia Energy Regulator (CWaPE) has announced as it posted its guidelines for 2026-2029.

In addition to the existing single-rate and dual-rate charges, there will be an 'incentive' tariff, the cost of which will vary between the day’s five time slots.

The aim of this new incentive-based pricing, which remains a consumer’s choice, is to promote awareness of how electricity is consumed. CWaPE stressed that the goal is to encourage as many users as possible to shift their usage to the most suitable times, when electricity is abundant on the networks, and thus prevent further overloading of the network during peak demand periods.

This tariff structure is based on three different rates distributed over five time slots. The most advantageous, 'green,' rate will apply from 01:00 to 07:00 hrs, and from 11:00 to 17:00 hrs.

An intermediate 'orange' rate will apply from 07:00-11:00 hrs and from 22:00-01:00 hrs.

The busiest network time, from 17:00-22:00 hrs, will have a higher 'red' rate.

CWaPE explained that this does not necessarily mean consumers will be financially penalised if they use electricity for regular activities during the 'red' hours. The study used to create the pricing model considered electricity consumption that cannot be shifted, especially energy required for dinner preparation.

However, consumers choosing the incentive-based tariff without changing their consumption patterns, and those frequently using energy-intensive appliances in these time periods, may see their distribution costs increase.

CWaPE believes this incentive-pricing model empowers everyone to manage their consumption, although it recognises that introducing this new structure will not solve all network issues.

Another significant change in 2026 pertains to the dual-rate tariff. CWaPE noted that there will no longer be a distinction between weekdays and weekends, and the off-peak time window that applied to weekends will cease to exist.

There will be more off-peak  hours, including the addition of 'solar hours.' The off-peak rate will be applicable from 11:00-17:00 hrs and 22:00-07:00 hrs, on both weekdays and weekends.

The guidelines published on Monday will form the basis for Walloon distribution network operators as they set their tariffs for 2026-2029. These will need to be approved by CWaPE by 30 June 2025.

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