Asylum seekers and migrants rehoused from Ixelles building to Woluwe-Saint-Pierre

Asylum seekers and migrants rehoused from Ixelles building to Woluwe-Saint-Pierre
Credit: Belga

Eighty individuals temporarily residing in a vacant care home in Ixelles will soon relocate to another empty building in Woluwe-Saint-Pierre, belonging to the Federal Pension Service.

These individuals, including around thirty children, have been living in this vacant property formerly used as a care home on Avenue de la Couronne in Ixelles since the end of January. They comprise asylum seekers and undocumented migrants.

In agreement with the landlord, Fedasil, the federal agency for the reception of asylum seekers, will convert the former care home into one of their new accommodation centres. This will have the capacity to house 350 people.

Due to the impending transformation, the inhabitants are due to be moved to an unused building in Woluwe-Saint-Pierre.

There have been several unsuccessful attempts at eviction in recent weeks, with the final deadline to vacate the building set for 15 July, according to Naël Daibes of Rockin’Squat, the collective overseeing this occupation.

Daibes clarified that not all of the residents had yet received the temporary occupancy agreement for the new building. Consequently, the collective hopes these people can remain in Ixelles until the beginning of August. They also look forward to receiving the keys for the new housing by the end of this week, allowing them to begin moving some furniture.

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