De Croo turns to local politics: Outgoing Prime Minister runs for mayor in hometown

De Croo turns to local politics: Outgoing Prime Minister runs for mayor in hometown
Outgoing Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo at the EU summit on Thursday 27 June 2024. Credit: European Council

Alexander De Croo is running for mayor in his hometown Brakel in Flanders. His candidacy follows his party's fall from grace in the most recent elections.

After almost four years at the helm of Belgium, the outgoing Prime Minister has set his sights on local politics. De Croo's decision defies speculation that he would try his hand at a top European job following Open VLD's poor results in federal and regional elections on 9 June. The Flemish liberals won just 5.4% of the federal vote, 8.3% in Flanders and 10.6% in Brussels.

This is the third time De Croo will top the liberal list in his native Flemish municipality. His father Herman De Croo (also of Open VLD) is openly supporting his son and was visibly emotional when he presented the candidates on Monday.

Herman De Croo and his son, outgoing Prime Minister Alexander De Croo. Credit: Belga

Open VLD's list in Brakel is "an ideal mix of experience and innovation," the party says. It has aimed to strike a balance between old and new candidates. "We want to make Brakeleers feel safe [...] To make that possible, we want to invest further in Brakel."

There is no guarantee that De Croo will secure a victory: he lost the same race to fellow party member Stefaan Devleeschouwer in 2020 when the latter received more preferential votes than his party leader. Devleeschouwer will not run for the position again as he is leaving politics to care for his wife, who was severely injured in a car crash a year and a half ago.

De Croo has acknowledged his party's defeat on 9 June, stating that "the result is what it is. That's how a democracy works and you have to accept that." He says the local ballot on 13 October is "a completely different election. Here it is about your municipality, about candidates you know. In local elections you campaign almost street by street."

Non-Belgians living in the country are eligible to vote in municipal elections on 13 October and the deadline to register is 31 July.

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