'Hold on tight': Rising number of falls on Brussels public transport

'Hold on tight': Rising number of falls on Brussels public transport
Credit: Belga / Nicolas Maeterlinck

The number of people falling on Brussels public transport vehicles has increased in recent years, spurring operator STIB to remind people to hold on to handles and give up their seats to vulnerable passengers.

Anyone who has stepped foot on a bus, tram or metro in Brussels knows that emergency stops can happen. Every year, this results in hundreds of people falling on STIB vehicles. Last year, STIB reported 618 falls, 5% more than in 2022.

"These figures are rather reassuring, given the one million passengers transported every day, and the more than 50 million kilometres travelled by STIB vehicles every year," STIB spokesperson Guy Sablon said. "Nevertheless, every accident is one too many, especially when it can be avoided."

Falls on buses most likely

More than half of incidents (360) take place on buses. "This can be explained by the fact that these vehicles are more affected by traffic problems." The second-highest number of falls takes place on trams (180), followed by the metro (78). In many cases, passengers are distracted by their smartphones and forget to hold on properly.

"It is therefore essential that all passengers hold on to the handles when standing upright and that those who most easily lose their balance and can injure themselves are able to travel while seated," Sablon noted.

This is the message STIB wants to convey in its awareness campaign warning passengers about the risk of falling on buses, trams and metros.

Through three 'Instagram vs reality' videos and posters seen throughout the public transport network until 19 August, the company highlights that passengers should "hold on tight" and "give up their seat" to those who need it more than they do, such as the elderly, pregnant women or people using crutches.

STIB is also taking other measures to reduce the risk of falling: new vehicles are becoming more and more efficient in that respect, and staff will receive regular refresher training sessions on smoother and environmentally-friendly driving.

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