Brussels Government puzzle: PS to participate in negotiations after all

Brussels Government puzzle: PS to participate in negotiations after all
PS' Ahmed Laaouej. Credit: Belga/Nicolas Maeterlinck

The Brussels Government is one step closer to being formed as the Francophone socialist PS agreed on Thursday to enter into negotiations with election winners MR and Les Engagés, as well as possible Dutch-speaking partners. The announcement follows weeks of discreet talks.

Immediately after losing the elections to French-speaking parties on the political right, PS announced that it would not enter any governments. Instead it planned to join the opposition – a major shift in the Francophone political landscape, which has historically been dominated by the socialists.

At the end of June however, PS asked David Leisterh – leader of MR in Brussels and most likely the Capital Region's next Minister-President – to present a "detailed programmatic note with the economic, social and climate challenges." On Thursday, PS confirmed that it was willing to participate in the government negotiations with MR and Les Engagés after all.

MR stated that Leisterh's proposals lay the grounds for a "credible project that responds to the challenges [faced by] Brussels residents". This notably includes "improvements to the living environment, access to decent housing at an affordable price, an economic restructuring strategy that supports the creation of quality jobs, support public services and strengthening social cohesion."

At the same time, a balanced budget must be achieved without cuts.

Defending socialist priorities

PS has given its Brussels leader Ahmed Laaouej the mandate to "defend socialist priorities" in the negotiations. He will report on progress at the start of the parliamentary year.

In the meantime, Leisterh confirmed that the formal "formation phase" for the French-speaking majority has started with MR, PS and Les Engagés. In the coming days, he will draft the working texts that will serve as the basis for negotiations to form a Brussels Government.

Leisterh added that he is in regular contact with Elke Van den Brandt (Groen), who is leading the difficult negotiations on the Dutch-speaking side. "I have let her know that I am available to help so that we can quickly bring all parties, French-speaking and Dutch-speaking, together around the table."

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