Around 100 workers collectively dismissed by Amazon subcontractor in Wallonia

Around 100 workers collectively dismissed by Amazon subcontractor in Wallonia
Credit: Unsplash

Some 100 delivery workers for KM Group, an Amazon subcontractor located in Flémalle (Liège province), were collectively dismissed at the end of July, trade unions have confirmed.

Dismissed delivery workers were informed via WhatsApp that the company had gone bankrupt, and have been left unpaid for July and without forms they need to file for unemployment benefits, according to unions.

In a joint statement, the General Labour Federation of Belgium (FGTB) and Confederation of Christian Trade Unions (CSC) have deplored the announcement method and uncertainty which have left workers in a critical financial situation.

"On 31 July, we were informed of the company's bankruptcy via a WhatsApp message," said UBT-FGTB Provincial Secretary Daniel Maratta. "There was no staff meeting or social dialogue – just a WhatsApp message."

Unions say the bankruptcy comes after US online retail giant Amazon refused to increase the contract price. While KM Group should have immediately initiated bankruptcy proceedings at the business court, Maratta affirmed that the company's balance sheet has still not officially been submitted.

Maratta stated that after the contracts were terminated, their union sent workers to public social welfare centres to get emergency aid, such as food packages or rent assistance. However, without a C4 document, it remains uncertain as to whether public social welfare centres can honour such requests.

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Regarding July wages, "the boss claims he doesn't have the funds" to pay them, according to the trade unionist.

Unions are organising a demonstration at 09:30 on Thursday morning outside the Amazon DHG depot in Flémalle. They aim not just to highlight their case, but also to draw broader attention to working conditions in the parcel delivery sector.

A spokesperson for Amazon in Belgium said that the company is "disappointed" by the decision of KM Group to exit the business "despite increasing the rate card in June".

"We are ready to collaborate with the authority responsible for the company liquidation to ensure a prompt resolution of this case for the benefit of all impacted drivers," they said.

KM Group has been contacted for comment.

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