Young people in closed youth care can now receive temporary education at home

Young people in closed youth care can now receive temporary education at home

Youths staying in secured accommodation or detention centres in Flanders can receive temporary home schooling, starting this academic year.

The idea is to enable them to maintain a connection with their home schools and have an opportunity to obtain a diploma, outgoing Education Minister Ben Weyts (N-VA) says.

Temporary home schooling has long existed for students unable to attend school due to illness or accidents. However, it is now also available for youths housed in secured accommodation or detention centres in Flanders.

Secured accommodation caters for youths who either are struggling with complex issues or have had negative experiences in the past. For example, it serves young girls victimised by ‘pimping’ or human trafficking, youths showing self-destructive behaviour, or minors with psychiatric problems.

The Flemish detention centres cater for young people aged 16 and above who have committed serious offences and have been remanded by magistrates.

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