Brussels firefighters end free services to eradicate hornet nests

Brussels firefighters end free services to eradicate hornet nests
Credit: Belga

Brussels Fire Brigade will no longer offer free services to eradicate Asian hornet nests from people's homes or gardens.

A fire service spokesperson on Thursday that they would only respond to calls for cases where the nest poses a risk to nearby residents. In all other instances, a fee will be charged, and citizens are encouraged to employ specialised private firms.

Asian hornets, an invasive species in Europe, pose a significant threat to numerous insects, such as bees, and are a key biodiversity risk. Additionally, they can trigger health and safety issues, especially for those with allergies. Since 2019, Brussels firefighters have been called upon to eliminate these nests.

However, the issue has escalated in recent years. "In 2023, we received 776 calls regarding Asian hornets, an exponential rise in workload," said Walter Derieuw, a spokesperson.

Due to the high number of nonproblematic nests and the uncertain impact of eradication on population vitality, the Brussels region is now opting for a considered risk management approach rather than systematic eradication.

Practically speaking, Brussels firefighters will only provide free intervention in emergencies or dangerous situations.

"For instance, if there’s a direct threat to individuals, particularly in the case of a mass insect attack after a nest has been disturbed, or if a threat renders the immediate environment unliveable. This includes nests located in unavoidable areas like playgrounds, nurseries, schools or living spaces within residential buildings."

For all other interventions, a charge will be applied. Firefighters advise using private companies for this purpose. The same logic applies to European hornet and wasp nests.

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