Municipal elections: Vooruit want 'clean living' for every Antwerp resident

Municipal elections: Vooruit want 'clean living' for every Antwerp resident
Aerial view of Antwerp with the Museum aan de Stroom (MAS) and the dock. Credit: Belga/Eric Lalmand

In Antwerp, on Sunday, Vooruit finalised its list of candidates and programme for the upcoming city council elections, while acknowledging the city’s many challenges and potential.

The party’s leading candidate, Kathleen Van Brempt, sees Antwerpians as epicureans. " Our city has much to offer and yet faces many challenges," she said. "Building a good life involves seizing opportunities, but also calls for political responsibility to enable people to do so."

Vooruit Antwerp prioritises affordable, quality housing and efficient, safe travel within the city. "We intend to invest in our public transport and persistently engage with the Flemish government to get Antwerp’s public transport back on track," Van Brempt confirmed.

Furthermore, the party vows to respect all Antwerp citizens, irrespective of their background, skin colour or education level.

"We reject categorising citizens as ‘A’ or ‘B’. Such polarisation suits certain parties, but it fragments our city. We aim to govern not merely for our own backers, but collaboratively to advance the well-being of all Antwerpians," she explained.

Among the 55 names on the candidate list are notably many young people, including newcomer Ruben Van Campenhout, son of former N-VA councillor Ludo Van Campenhout.

The party does not aspire to the mayor’s office, but rather seeks to join the majority to help build a better city for every Antwerpian.

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