East Flanders scraps idea of placing condom-vending machines in schools

East Flanders scraps idea of placing condom-vending machines in schools

A proposal by the Vooruit party to install condom vending machines in schools in East Flanders was defeated in the provincial council on Wednesday.

The majority Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie (N-VA), Christen Democratisch en Vlaams (CD&V) and Groen coalition voted against the proposal, which was supported by Vooruit and the opposition Open VLD party.

Last week, the first large-scale condom study in Flanders, done by the Flemish Expert Centre for Sexual Health, SENSOA, revealed that three out of four teenagers find condoms too expensive, and 30% are deterred from using them due to their cost.

Provincial council member Greet De Troyer (Vooruit) believes condom vending machines should be available in all schools. She suggested that the province itself could set an example by making them free of charge.

That suggestion was eventually removed via an amendment. However, the idea of placing condom machines in the province’s schools also failed to gain majority backing.

“I think it should be accessible, and the bar should be lower. But is this the right place?” asked N-VA councillor Kurt Moens.

The debate was followed by a second proposal to provide free menstrual products through vending machines for girls. Girls should not have to request these, as embarrassment often creates an additional barrier, the proposal’s proponents noted.

No majority support was found for this proposal either.

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