Immigration office confirms bedbug infestation at detention centre

Immigration office confirms bedbug infestation at detention centre

Belgium’s Immigration Office, DMZ, confirmed on Monday that bedbugs have been discovered at the 127bis detention centre in Steenokkerzeel, Flanders, noting that it will take some time to eradicate them.

DVZ reported on Monday that bedbugs were found in two wings already examined. A detection dog is to be deployed on Tuesday to inspect another wing and an intermediate section.

The non-profit refugee rights organisation Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen has expressed concern at the bedbug infestation, stating that it has been ongoing for months.

Earlier this month, dissatisfied staff of the detention centre staged a brief work stoppage, and some detainees spent a night outside in protest.

DVZ says it has requested quotes for pest control, but due to high demand, no company has responded so far, according to spokesperson Geert De Vulder. The issue is being addressed, but it will not be resolved immediately, he mentioned.

De Vulder also pointed out that detainees who chose to spend a night outside always had the option to go back inside.

However, Tine Claus, director of Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen, said “these individuals are already traumatised by their asylum process and detention [and] the ongoing infestation worsens their situation.”

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