Brussels Government puzzle: Fouad Ahidar takes over Groen's formator role

Brussels Government puzzle: Fouad Ahidar takes over Groen's formator role
Fouad Ahidar. Credit: Belga / Hatim Kaghat

Controversial Fouad Ahidar is unofficially assuming the role of formator on the Dutch-speaking side of the Brussels Government after Elke Van den Brandt (Groen) quit. However, the chances of him finding a majority seem slim.

Van den Brandt and her party announced in a press conference on Friday that she was resigning as the lead negotiator or formator after Francophone liberal MR "stabbed Groen in the back" by launching a proposal to postpone Brussels' stricter Low Emission Zone (LEZ) standards without consultation and attacked the Good Move mobility plan.

On Monday, Fouad Ahidar – whose party, Team Fouad Ahidar, surprised everyone by winning the second-most seats in the Dutch-speaking side of Brussels after the elections – announced on his initiative that he was taking over her task.

"I will contact Groen, Vooruit, Open VLD, N-VA and CD&V to try to form a Dutch-speaking majority," he told Belga News Agency on Monday.

A three-party block

On Tuesday, Ahidar had a first conversation with socialist Vooruit's Ans Persoons about forming a three-party block. On Thursday, he will meet with Groen. "I want to be a conciliator. For me, Groen must be part of the future majority. So Groen must come back to the table."

Groen has four seats and Team Fouad Ahidar has three, making socialist Vooruit's two seats sufficient for a majority of nine seats (out of 17) on the Dutch-speaking side of the Brussels Parliament.

Ahidar – who was a member of Vooruit in Brussels for over 20 years before he left to start his own party – said his conversation with Persoons went well. He stressed that Vooruit has no veto against him or his team, and that a second meeting will follow.

On Thursday at 10:00, Ahidar will meet with Van den Brandt. However, he understands that the situation is more difficult for her and her party because Groen wants guarantees that it will be respected by MR. Groen did not comment, but referred to Friday's press conference in which Van den Brandt stated that the party no longer wants to negotiate with "this MR."

Groen co-leader Nadia Naji (bottom left) and Groen's Elke Van Den Brandt during a press conference about the Brussels formation. Credit: Belga/Timon Ramboer

Van den Brandt threw in the towel after the Francophone majority (MR, socialist PS and centrist Les Engagés) submitted an ordinance proposal to postpone the tightening of the LEZ. In the meantime, however, Dutch-speaking Vooruit, radical-left PVDA-PTB and Team Fouad Ahidar also submitted their own LEZ proposals.

"There are many different opinions on the LEZ and the Good Move mobility plan. Everyone will have to give some ground," Ahidar said. Still, he stressed that Groen remains his first partner: "We should have been one block from the beginning."

Following the meeting with Vooruit, Persoons reiterated the need to form a majority as soon as possible. "Everyone has to leave their egos at the door. Everyone was surprised by Groen's move, but it is our job to find solutions," said Persoons, who wants to adopt a "constructive attitude" and talk to everyone.

"I hope we don't have to wait until the municipal elections. They should not play a role here. Working on the city's liveability can only be done at the negotiating table," she added.

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