2024 was marked by uncertainty and upheaval, with tensions rising around Europe and new challenges emerging within the Union. At the heart of this, Belgium has been rocked by elections that left the country without a government to act on policy decisions.
2025 will be a pivotal year for Europe as it seeks stability and security in a changing global order. The Brussels Times has asked industry experts what developments they foresee and how life in Belgium will be affected.
Thierry Geerts is the chief executive of BECI (Brussels Enterprises Commerce and Industry), which represents more than 35,000 businesses in the capital.
What is the biggest challenge for 2025?
Definitely the fact that we still have no regional government! The Capital Region now faces important challenges, including the unsustainable deficit. This can lead to catastrophic situations if not managed by a new government. So it's crucial that Brussels has a government as quickly as possible.
What are the prospects in your sector next year?
We are not sector-specific, since we represent all Brussels companies. But on all fronts, 2025 will be complicated: no government, high energy costs, declining international trust for trade, and the competitive decline of Europe and Belgium.
What does Belgium most need to improve next year?
Improving the conditions for enterprise must be the main focus. This means streamlining regulations by reducing red tape and making laws more evenly applicable, harmonising rules and taxes. The Belgian economy can flourish if entrepreneurs are encouraged instead of being controlled.
Will things get better or worse next year?
It's very early to say and will depend on many factors and decisions. My best guess is for a relatively stable year, but a very bad one for industry. We definitely need an 'industrial deal' and a plan for 'Urban industry' in Brussels. And that’s what we’re fighting for as BECI.
How will this impact businesses?
It will demand great leadership and flexibility.
What are the biggest opportunities to watch for?
The implementation of AI in a safe and responsible way. AI offers many opportunities to increase efficiency and customer satisfaction. For Belgium, it is the best remedy to compensate for the high salary cost.