'First signs' of improvement in coronavirus curve in Germany

'First signs' of improvement in coronavirus curve in Germany
Credit: Wikipedia

Germany, which closed its bars, restaurants and many public facilities for a month on 2 November, is experiencing "first signs" of improvement in the curve of coronavirus infections, the Robert Koch Institute for Health Surveillance said Thursday.

"The curve is flattening," director of the Institute, Lothar Wieler said at a press conference, welcoming "first signs" of improvement on the pandemic front.

Restrictive measures, such as the closure of bars and restaurants, the obligation to wear masks or strict limitations on private meetings, "show that we are not powerless" in the face of the Covid-19 epidemic, Wieler argued.

The situation remains "very serious" with nearly 22,000 new cases officially recorded in the last 24 hours, however, warned Wieler.

He reminded the audience of the rules to be followed, from hand washing to the regular ventilation of rooms, the reduction of contacts and quarantine at the slightest symptom. "These measures will be with us for a long time, even if we have a vaccine," he warned.

Chancellor Angela Merkel and the regional leaders will review the situation on Monday and decide on possible further restrictive measures.

The Brussels Times

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