Flemish volunteers in the spotlight for a week during Volunteer Week

Flemish volunteers in the spotlight for a week during Volunteer Week
Illustration picture shows, hte Vlaams Vrijwilligers Korps logo and during the launch of a new website to help local councils find volunteers in emergency situations, Friday 01 December 2023 in Brussels. The new digital platform is an initiative of the Flemish government and Vlaams Steunpunt Vrijwilligerswerk vzw. On the site, volunteers can see whether urgent help is needed somewhere in their municipality or city. BELGA PHOTO NICOLAS MAETERLINCK

The ‘Week of the Volunteer’ runs from Saturday 1 March, until Sunday 9 March 2025. This year’s theme is ‘Volunteer, you build our world!’.

For a week, various Flemish organisations and municipalities are organising initiatives to thank their volunteers. Radio 2 and the Flemish Support Centre for Volunteering (VSVW) are collaborating. ‘Wéldoeners’ will be sent out to volunteer for two hours.

This initiative aims to introduce organisations to new and potential volunteers. It also helps manage vacancies to reach as many interested volunteers as possible. As the European Volunteer Capital, the city of Mechelen wants to motivate its organisations to participate in ‘Wéldoeners’. The city is also organising a walk, an info session, and a bike ride.

The university KU Leuven, the GO! education parent platform, the city of Leuven, and various other Flemish municipalities are also launching initiatives to thank their volunteers.

According to figures from the King Baudouin Foundation, more than 866,500 people were active as volunteers in Belgium in 2019. This equates to nearly 10 percent of the population.

All vacancies involved in the ‘Wéldoeners’ action can be found at www.vrijwilligerswerk.be/weldoeners.

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