The 'Nutri-Score' labels that rank how healthy products are will be available for all items at the Dutch Supermarket chain Albert Heijn. But the labels will not be displayed on products sold at Belgian locations.
Albert Heijn has acknowledged that the rating system helps customers make healthier choices. Previously they were only applied to own-brand products, but they now will be extended to all branded products. This will be implemented via electronic price tags in stores.
However, Albert Heijn shops in Belgian will not have the Nutri-Score displayed on electronic shelf labels, according to spokesperson Ann Maes. No specific reason was given. But scores will be visible in the online store.
The Nutri-Score is a logo that provides information about nutritional value. Participation in the system is voluntary, and producers are not obliged to use it.
Consumer organisation Testachats expressed disappointment that the chain will not roll out the plan in Belgium. "It’s a pity. We are big fans of the Nutri-Score. It is an easy tool for consumers," they stated.