Supermarket chain Aldi has sold three million extra rolls of toilet paper in Belgium between March 2020 and February 2021, it said on Thursday.
Belgium’s first lockdown saw people rush to the supermarkets as some consumers feared shortages, particularly when it came to toilet paper, resulting in the three-million roll increase in sales.
Another product that was successful was disinfectant. The chain sold 63,000 extra litres of hydroalcoholic gel over the 12 months of the pandemic.
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The lockdown also pushed Belgians towards pastry, cooking and especially drinking, with an extra 1.7 million bottles of red wine, over 1.6 million bottles of rosé wine and over 1.5 million bottles of white wine.
In addition, 1.2 million extra kilos of flour were sold, as well as over 248,000 kilos of apples, 690,000 kilos of pears, 730,000 kilos of carrots and 410,000 kilos of tomatoes were sold.
Finally, between March 2020 and February 2021, Aldi sold more than five million extra pasta dishes and the sale of meat substitutes almost doubled.
The Brussels Times