Brussels moves to ban home evictions in winter months

Brussels moves to ban home evictions in winter months
Social housing in the lower Marolles neighbourhood. Credit: Ugo Realfonzo / The Brussels Times

A proposal by the Brussels Government plans to implement a full ban on home evictions during the winter months, RTL reports.

The new measure would prevent landlords from kicking out tenants between 1 November and 15 March in all social, public and private housing.

"This will guarantee the right to housing, avoid the eviction of the most precarious people, and above all avoid homelessness in our region," says Nawal Ben Hamou, Brussels Secretary of State for Housing.

Every year in Brussels, 5,000 cases for eviction end up in front of the Justice of the Peace, a Belgian small claims court.

Property owner protests

Landlords are up in arms about the proposal. Oliver Hamal, President of the National Homeowners Union and Liberal politician for the MR party, stated: “We were never consulted on a whole series of texts. These are unilateral reports that completely break the balance between the rights of landlords and tenants."

The Brussels Government has attempted to compromise by compensating landlords the equivalent of the monthly rent during the four and a half months of the moratorium. This will be funded by fines for substandard housing, unoccupied housing, and also administrative penalties, says Nawal Ben Hamou.

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These extra controls and fines will are expected to bring in €590,000 per year; compensating Brussels landlords should cost around €470,000.

The Brussels Government promises to consult with landlords and tenants’ unions before the vote in Parliament, due to take place in a few months.

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