Flanders invests €500,000 to support women and girls in sports

Flanders invests €500,000 to support women and girls in sports
Credit: Belga/Virginie Lefour

Flanders is investing €500,000 to support projects designed to promote the involvement of more girls and women in sports – not just for playing but also for working in the wider sector.

Flemish Minister of Sports Ben Weyts announced the plan to invest €500,000 to activate more girls and women in sport — not only as athletes but also as supervisors, coaches and club directors.

“Sports participation is increasing in Flanders, also among girls and women, but they still lag somewhat behind in relation to boys and men,” said Weyts. “With this new call for projects, we are investing in projects that lead to concrete results in the field.”

While women make up 41% of all athletes, just one-third of trainers are women, and a quarter of the board members in the Flemish sports clubs are female. For board members in the sports federations, this figure is even lower (16%). Additionally, girls stop exercising more often than boys.

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Until 1 November, 75 Flemish sports federations will be able to submit a project proposal. In January 2023, Weyts will announce which innovative projects on the participation of girls and women will receive funding and can be developed in the field.

"Targeted and specific projects such as 'Zij aan Zij' of Cycling Flanders and Voetbal Vlaanderen's 'Futbalista'  have already proven to be very effective. We hope that several sports federations can develop such a project through this call," concludes Weyts.

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