Jean Spinette was sworn in late on Wednesday morning as the new Mayor of the Brussels municipality, Saint-Gilles, with the presence of Bernard Clerfayt, the Brussels Minister for Local Authorities.
The socialist succeeds Charles Picqué, who was the official Mayor of this area of over 50,000 inhabitants for 36 years.
The two men know each other well. Jean Spinette collaborated with the former leader of Saint-Gilles and the Brussels Region for twenty years, notably as president of the CPAS and councillor.
Jean Spinette was, until now, the Councillor for Education, Finance and Prevention.
After studying political science, he got involved from 1999 to 2006 alongside Charles Picqué, first as manager of the neighbourhood development program, then as director of the municipality’s Culture department.
He was the president of the CPAS of Saint-Gilles from 2007 to 2018 and president of the Brussels CPAS Federation from 2013 to 2018. The new mayor of Saint-Gilles is also president of the Brussels hospitals of Iris sud.
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Charles Picqué became the Mayor of Saint-Gilles in 1985. He was also the first ever Minister-President for the Brussels Region in 1989 – after the creation of the role – and was reappointed to the role in 2004 alongside his Saint-Gilles mayoral duties.