Over 3,500 schools to receive free French-speaking newspapers

Over 3,500 schools to receive free French-speaking newspapers
Credit: Eric Lalmand/Belga.

As of next Monday, 2,698 French-speaking primary schools and 846 secondary schools will receive all French-language newspapers free of charge for the coming two weeks.

The giveaway is being organised by LaPresse.be, the organisation that unites the publishers of Belgium's French-speaking and German-speaking papers. The initiative aims to broaden the outlook of pupils and help them think critically.

As a result, from 3 to 14 October, Pupils from more than 3,500 French-speaking schools will be able to read publications such as Le Soir, La Libre Belgique, La DH/Les Sports+, as well as the local Sudinfo and L’Avenir papers.

L’Echo will only be distributed in secondary schools as its economic coverage is deemed too complicated for children under the age of 12.

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The two-week period starts the annual 'Ouvrir Mon Quotidien' (translation: 'opening my daily') scheme. After receiving all French-language Belgian newspapers for two weeks, schools can then choose which papers they would like access to throughout the rest of the academic year.

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