Jambon and Francken lodge a complaint against Emir Kir for inciting rebellion

Jambon and Francken lodge a complaint against Emir Kir for inciting rebellion

The Home Affairs SPF has lodged a complaint against the Socialist MP Emir Kir. This is at the request of the Home Affairs Minister, Jan Jambon, (New Flemish Alliance) and the State Secretary for Immigration and Asylum, Theo Francken (New Flemish Alliance). The complaint is for inciting rebellion on an airplane. Mr Kir intervened onboard an Air Maroc flight heading to Casablanca on Tuesday the 12th of May. He was trying to stop a Nigerian woman being deported, the Sudpresse papers, Het Laaste Nieuws and De Morgen reported on Thursday.

Police sources identified the mayor of Saint-Josse as the instigator of a passenger revolt onboard the plane. The passengers were against the Nigerian woman’s deportation. The woman was seen screaming and crying.

Emir Kir admitted to becoming involved in the discussions, but said he had done nothing wrong. “It was an unbearable situation, with verbal and physical violence. Something that should never happen in a democratic country”, he said.

The Home Affairs SPF has lodged a complaint against the Socialist MP with the Hal-Vilvorde Prosecutor’s office.

(Source: Belga)

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