Lone female member of the Cellules Communistes Combattantes dies

Lone female member of the Cellules Communistes Combattantes dies
Credit: Belga

Pascale Vandegeerde, one of the four members of the Cellules Communistes Combattantes (CCC - Communist Combatant Cells) has died at the age of 64, Derniere Heure and La Libre Belgique reported on Monday.

The CCC, an extreme-left Belgian group, came out of hiding in 1984 and carried out several attacks in Belgium, including exploding bombs at the headquarters of companies supplying the American army.

On 15 and 17 October 1984, they also targeted satellite organisations of two parties in the then government: the PRL, which has since become the Mouvement Reformateur, and the CVP, now the Christen -Democratisch & Vlaams (CD&V) party.

There was damage but no injuries, the two dailies reported.

On 1 May 1985, the terrorists blew up a car in front of the headquarters of the Federation of Enterprises in Belgium, causing the deaths of two firemen.

In all, the CCC claimed 21 bombings.

On 16 December 1985, Pierre Carette, Bertrand Sassoye, Didier Chevolet and Pascale Vandegeerde were arrested. Their arrest led to the end of the CCC attacks. The four were sentenced to life imprisonment in 1988.

Pascale Vandegeerde was the first to be conditionally released - in February 2000.

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