Traffic fines can now be paid in instalments

Traffic fines can now be paid in instalments
Credit: Belga/Jonas Roosens

From now on, anyone who has received a traffic fine can request an online payment plan, announced Federal Justice Minister Vincent Van Quickenborne on Monday.

Offenders would need to apply to pay in instalments before the deadline for the fine and they must acknowledge that they were the driver who committed the offence.

"Having to pay a traffic fine is never fun, of course. But at a time when many families are struggling with rising energy prices, it is extra sour when a traffic fine arrives in the mail. Justice is sympathetic to people with payment difficulties," said Van Quickenborne. "One could already get an instalment plan for criminal fines, now an offender can also apply for an instalment plan for traffic fines, which are usually smaller amounts."

Monthly instalments to pay for the fine can be selected, with six months as the longest timeframe for paying back a fine. After the payment plan has been requested, the funds will be drawn through direct debit until the fine has been paid off.

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An instalment plan is an option for everyone, as offenders do not have to prove their financial situation. The Justice Ministry wants to provide a solution for people who acknowledge their offences but do not have the necessary funds to pay their fine at the time.

If the fine is still not paid, the Ministry of Justice can stop the payment plan altogether. Not paying the fine could increase the risk of the fine going up and having to appear before the police court. Anyone failing to pay would also lose the right to request payment instalments for two years.

The instalment plan is free of interest and anyone can apply without having to justify it through their financial situation. The new option is apparently welcome, said Van Quickenborne: in one week, almost 500 people have already applied for an instalment plan.

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