A rare dragonfly spotted in Belgium for the first time

A rare dragonfly spotted in Belgium for the first time

An Ophiogomphus Cecilia, or the Serpentine Clubtail, was spotted in the Hageven-De-Plateaux reserve in Neerpelt last week. This is the first time the protected species has been seen in Belgium, Natuurpunt said on Wednesday.

The Serpentine Clubtail is a small dragonfly with a bright green throat and a stripy yellow and black abdomen. It flies from May to September, but is most often seen in July and August.

This species had never been seen in Belgium before, and is very rare on the rest of the continent. 70 species of dragonfly have been spotted in Belgium since the 24th of July, the day the Serpentine Clubtail was seen in Neerpelt.

Volunteers will search both sides of the Belgian-Dutch border to try and find the Serpentine Clubtail over the weekend of the 8th and 9th of August.

(Source: Belga)

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