Over 2,000 tractors head to Brussels: Where to expect disruptions

Over 2,000 tractors head to Brussels: Where to expect disruptions
Flemish farmers gather for a ride on their tractors towards Brussels, to protest against proposed new rules to reduce nitrogen emissions on Friday 03 March 2023. Credit: Belga/Kurt Desplenter

Traffic disruptions are expected in the Brussels-Capital Region and across Flanders on Friday, as farmers are driving their tractors to the capital to express their dissatisfaction with the Flemish government's lack of proper nitrogen policy.

With more than 2,000 tractors, farmers' organisations Boerenbond, ABS, Groene Kring, Jong ABS and Ferm for Agro Women will form a convoy of about 15 to 20 kilometres.

"The nitrogen agreement, as it is now, creates a socio-economic bloodbath," the farmers' organisations wrote in a joint press release. "We demand a thorough adjustment of the nitrogen agreement and a future perspective where farmers can continue to provide local, sustainable and healthy food at the highest quality standards."

While the Flemish government has still not managed to come to a conclusive agreement after many long negotiations, it is clear that nitrogen emissions will be drastically curtailed – causing a lot of unrest among farmers.

Police escort to Brussels

The farmers' aim is to drive – in ten columns and escorted by police – from all over Flanders towards Brussels during the morning rush hour. Those interested can follow the columns live at tractorenactie.be (username is 'actie' and password is 'brussel').

At 11:30, the tractors will all make their presence felt as they will all start honking. Afterwards, they will gather at the Avenue du Port in Brussels, where they will drive onto the Brussels Small Ring Road towards the Arts-Loi intersection. Around 13:00, the agricultural organisations will address those present there, and from 14:30, all tractors will start returning home.

The federal police have warned that the protest may cause traffic disruptions on several major traffic axes in Flanders, as well as the arterial roads around Brussels that the activists will use: the N1, the N2, the N8 and the N9.

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The tractors will come from and pass through municipalities all over Flanders, including Lier, Mol, Diest, Hasselt, Sint-Truiden, Leuven, Mechelen, Torhout, Izegem, Tielt, Deinze, Ghent, Oudenaarde, Dendermonde, Aalst and Ninove.

“We advise vehicle drivers to avoid these regional roads and the wider surroundings and to use alternative means of transport (bicycle, train) or to work from home," a police statement read. Those who can work from home are advised to do so today.

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