Animal rights activists protest outside slaughterhouse near Antwerp

Animal rights activists protest outside slaughterhouse near Antwerp
Credit: Belga

Several dozen members of the animal rights group Bite Back demonstrated outside the Vanlommel slaughterhouse in Olen, in Antwerp province, on Saturday, after footage of animal abuse filmed at the abattoir was released earlier last week.

The campaigners are calling for a phase-out of the cattle industry in Belgium and demanding an “end to calf-fattening subsidies” for beef farmers. Bite Back has also contacted Delhaize and Carrefour to demand that they remove meat originating from the Vanlommel slaughterhouse from their shelves.

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The footage, published on Tuesday by the Dutch animal rights organisation Ongehoord, shows calves being kicked, beaten, pulled by the tail or ears, and tormented with banned electric cattle prods.

The Vanlommel slaughterhouse has since announced that it is conducting an internal investigation into the matter.

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