The Fipronill egg scandal has led to more than 77,375,000 eggs being destroyed and 1,900,000 chickens being euthanized, according to the Federal Agricultural Minister Denis Ducarne. He spoke to La Dernière Heure on Saturday. “Afsca’s work in Belgium has been excellent. In the Netherlands for example, there are still eggs contaminated by Fipronil and no less than a hundred farms are still closed”, the Minister said.
Denis Ducarne said the European Commission had agreed to unblock 15 million euros of aid for farmers and another 15 million for distributers. “We can’t write blank cheques for those affected by this crisis. They can submit a request until the end of April. When there has been an agreed in their case, the victims will be compensated”, he said.
The Minister has also asked Afsca to recall all Lactalis products made in the French Craon factory.
The Brussels Times