The Prime Minister, Charles Michel, spoke for the first time to parliament, since the barrage of criticisms which the government bill on immigration home visits received. These comments aimed to question the merit of such visits in view of the deportation of illegal immigrants, which often results. Deportation often occurs if such immigrants are subject to an order to leave Belgium.
On Tuesday speaking within a committee, members of society and investigating judges had reiterated these criticisms, including legal issues also raised even within the Prime Minister’s own party. The examination of the legal text was put on hold. Mr Michel said during a plenary session, “There have been remarks as to the administrative and legal approach. I hear what the investigating judges are saying.”
He added, “The government wished, by using investigating judges, to provide all necessary guarantees. There have been remarks by investigating judges and, as Prime Minister, I intend to dedicate time to consultation. I will thus examine the legal nature of the principles at work and accept responsibility for this by reporting to the government and parliament.” Despite saying this, he did not provide a schedule as to the timescale for the further work required.
The Brussels Times