Federal Police to launch new anti-speeding campaign

Federal Police to launch new anti-speeding campaign
Credit: Belga

Belgian Federal and local police are set to launch their 18th edition of the “against speed” marathon, Le Soir reports. On 21 April, police will carry out a day of additional speeding checks across the Belgian motorway network.

Last year, a record number of drivers were caught speeding in Belgium, the majority of which in Flanders. In the first six months of 2022, more than three million drivers were caught, according to statistics from the Federal Police.

Most people who were fined for speeding were driving less than 10 km/h above the maximum permitted speed.

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Belgium’s Mobility Minister Georges Gilkinet wants to create harsher penalties for speeders, including even publishing images of offenders on social media. Those who glorify speeding on Belgian roads could soon face hefty fines and a driving ban of between one month and one year.

During the last “against speed” campaign in October 2022, a total of 792,546 vehicles were monitored for their speed on Belgian roads.

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