Several thousands of employees from the social profit sector are expected in Brussels for a demonstration on Tuesday. They demand that the following governments continue to invest in the sector. The trade unions expect 5,000 to 10,000 demonstrators. There will be no impact on daycares, hospitals and youth services, according to the unions. "This is about a political component, we do not want to harrass the people," said Mark Selleslach, national secretary of LBC-NVK nonprofit, to Bruzz.
The intention is to point out the need for permanent investments in places, but also in personnel to the following governments.
"In the coming years, 30,000 to 40,000 retiring people will have to be replaced. This mostly concerns nursing and care staff, educators, and so on. Serious efforts will be needed to lead more people into the sector," said Jan-Piet Bauwens, federal secretary of the socialist union, on Friday, according to Bruzz.
Among other things, the trade unions push for measures to keep people working for a longer time. For example, they request a gradual reduction in working hours to 30 hours a week, without wage loss. "In the first instance for older employees," said Bauwens.
The start of the demonstration will take place on Tuesday at the Brussels North Station, at 10:30 AM.
Maïthé Chini
The Brussels Times