Belgium calls for 'immediate' release of Niger president after coup

Belgium calls for 'immediate' release of Niger president after coup
Credit: Belga

Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs Hadja Lahbib is calling for "the immediate release of the democratically-elected Niger President Mohammed Bazoum, and a return to constitutional order" in response to the coup in the West African country.

"Recent developments in Niger pose a threat to the country's stability and the Sahel. It is crucial to safeguard democratic achievements," Lahbib stated.

On Wednesday night, rebel soldiers of the presidential guard deposed President Mohamed Bazoum, who is being held at the presidential palace in Niamey. President Bazoum himself has remained defiant, stating that democratic gains in the country "remain guaranteed."

However, Niger Foreign Minister Hamoudi Massoudou claims that it is only an attempted coup, and stressed that Bazoum's regime represents the "legitimate authority."

Rebel soldiers announce coup on national TV, with leader Amadou Abdramane in blue. Credit: Video screenshot

In a phone call on Thursday, Lahbib also expressed her gratitude to Foreign Minister Massodou for "his efforts towards achieving stability and restoring constitutional order in Niger, efforts that need to be sustained." 

Lahbib echoed statements made by the European Union, the African Union and the United Nations, who have all condemned the coup attempt in Niger and have called for the “immediate” release of the president held captive in the capital of Niamey by military rebels.

Belgians in the country

A total of 15 Enabel staff are working in Niger, along with around one hundred Nigerien colleagues.

"All our local staff are confined to their workplaces as a precautionary measure. At the moment, the situation seems relatively calm, except around the presidential palace in Niamey," adds Sandra Galbusera, Enabel representative in Niger.

Niger's President Mohamed Bazoum (r) during a meeting at the Presidential Palace in Niamey with the Vice-President of the European Commission Josep Borrell on 05 July 2023 in Niamey. Credit: European Council

The Ministry of Defence assured the Belga News Agency that the twenty or so Belgian soldiers currently deployed in Niger - in two unspecified locations for security reasons - are safe. These soldiers are in Niger as part of Operation New Nero (ONN), which has been underway since 2017 and aims to train units of the Niger army.

In February, the EU launched a military partnership mission in Niger (EUMPM Niger) to support the country in its fight against terrorist armed groups. However, following Wednesday's coup, the EU is unable to comment on whether the mission will continue while the situation there remains unclear.

€65 million promised by Belgium

Niger is also one of the largest beneficiary countries of Enabel, the Belgian development agency. The Belgian Government is devoting €65 million to the country as part of its cooperation programme, Belga News Agency reports.

This sum, distributed over 5 years (from 2022), includes targeted measures for the country as well as  a "climate" envelope which covers the Sahel region, including Niger. Belgian aid covers different sectors such as livestock farming, public health, education, good governance and climate.

Credit: Enabel

"The main aim of our support is to improve living conditions for the people of Niger through access to social protection. We have set up an occupational health insurance scheme with the help of the Ministry of Public Health," explains Galbusera, who has temporarily returned to Belgium.

"We also want to help improve food security and restore the Sahel's natural ecosystems, at a time when the region is battling desertification and climate change," she continues.

The fate of this development aid now remains to be seen. The Sahel region continues to be hit by military uprisings in the last few years, with coup d'états in Mali, Burkina Faso, Chad and Guinea. Niger had previously undergone four military coups since independence from France in 1960, with the last being in 2010.

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