'Harassing, inappropriate and aggressive': French MEP expelled from party for staff abuse

'Harassing, inappropriate and aggressive': French MEP expelled from party for staff abuse
Anne-Sophie Pelletier. Credit: European Parliament

MEP Anne-Sophie Pelletier has been expelled from the French Left in the European Parliament following 13 separate reports of "harassing, inappropriate and aggressive" behaviour directed toward parliamentary assistants.

"This behaviour is incompatible with the values ​​of our delegation and we cannot tolerate it any longer,” a statement from La France Insoumise (LFI) reads. "In this context, we have therefore made the decision to exclude Anne-Sophie Pelletier from our delegation."

Parliamentary assistants in the French National Assembly went on strike at the beginning of November to protest against multiple breaches of their labour rights.

Manon Amirshahi, parliamentary attaché and general secretary of trade union CGT-CP, told Libération: "The people who create the law don't even respect its most basic principles, those of employment law."

Pelletier’s expulsion follows closely on the heels of sanctioning of another party member in November. The party accused Raquel Garrido, a National Assembly deputy, of harming "the group’s collective functioning" by "the dissemination of false information in the press" and "the questioning and ad hominem denigration of several members of the group". Garrido was banned from speaking on behalf of LFI in parliamentary proceedings for a period of four months.

In 2017, Pelletier led a 117-day-long strike in a nursing home in Jura, France, to denounce mistreatment and poor working conditions.

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