Man from Kortrijk bitten to death by dog after suffering epileptic seizure

Man from Kortrijk bitten to death by dog after suffering epileptic seizure
Credit: Belga

A 56-year-old man from Kortrijk (West Flanders) was bitten to death by his dog on Tuesday evening, after suffering an epileptic seizure.

"The dog had already behaved very aggressively after previous seizures," said the Vlas police district on Thursday. The victim's lifeless body was found on Tuesday evening in his home on the Emmanuel Viérinwandeling in Kortrijk.

"The man had suffered an epileptic seizure and his dog reacted very aggressively," explained Thomas Detavernier of the Vlas police district. The dog in question is a Stafford.

"The animal bit him on the carotid artery. The dog had already reacted very aggressively to its owner's previous epileptic seizures."

The victim's family have decided to have the dog put down.

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