About 250 persons stage protest outside Schaerbeek social welfare office

About 250 persons stage protest outside Schaerbeek social welfare office
Credit: Belga

Workers at the Brussels Public Centre for Social Welfare (CPAS) in Schaerbeek demonstrated on Thursday to voice concern about the fallout from serious accounting errors since 2017 which, the unions say, have resulted in a deficit of €13 million.

Around 250 people gathered outside the CPAS just after 8:30 am. One placard read, “The authority has erred, and the authority must foot the bill.” Staff do not intend to endure social cutbacks or “foot the bill for the irresponsible behaviour of the political and administrative authorities,” the unions said in a statement.

The demonstrators later moved to Collignon Square in Schaerbeek, to meet fellow municipal workers.

“This accounting error, which amounts to over €20m in total, will greatly impact CPAS workers and is likely to indirectly affect those in the municipality,” said Carine Rosteleur, regional secretary of the CGSP union.

“We met with the Mayor of Schaerbeek, Cécile Jodogne, and the concerned parties on Wednesday,” Rosteleur explained. “We were reassured that there would be no loss of financial benefits for the next three years, but a probable impact on employment.”

“Staff remain very concerned, as this will lead to a creeping increase in workload that is already heavy,” she added. “Trust has been broken. We will remain vigilant, as we informed Mayor Jodogne, to ensure that all decisions are made in consultation with trade union representatives.”

Mayor Jodogne’s cabinet confirmed to union representatives before the protest that there would be no reduction in the face value of meal vouchers or changes to the year-end bonus in the 2024-2026 triennial plan.

The council also said it was exploring “all options” to achieve necessary savings within administrative expenses. This includes not automatically replacing departing officials and reviewing administrative activities to avoid the overloading of municipal services, ensuring they continue to provide essential public services effectively for the benefit of Schaerbeek’s population.

According to the Mayor’s office, the CPAS will be working with the municipality on cost-saving measures.

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