The Federal Government has approved a draft bill regarding the information that will be visible on ID cards.
The draft, approved on second reading at an electronic cabinet meeting held on Friday, is aimed at complying with a State Council opinion and International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) recommendations.
The modifications have to do mainly with the cards’ layout. Among other things, they eliminate the signature of the municipal official who signs them, while the birthplace of the ID card holder will no longer be visible to the naked eye, since it is not required by ICA norms, but it will still be visible electronically.
The draft can now be presented to the King for signature so that it can be submitted to the Chamber.
Exactly one month ago, Interior Minister Pieter De Crem, unveiled the first sample of the new card in Lokeren. The document now has the signature of its owner, while the photograph is on the left, and no longer on the right.
The Brussels Times