Security, competitiveness and democracy at heart of EU's future strategic agenda

Security, competitiveness and democracy at heart of EU's future strategic agenda
The future is Europe. Credit: / Jean-Paul Remy

Initial consultations between EU Member States have helped identify priority areas to be included in the European Union’s next strategic agenda, with a focus on security, competitiveness, and democracy.

As this legislative period ends, the EU must chart a roadmap for the next five years, which is referred to as the strategic agenda. Consultations are currently underway amongst heads of state and government, led by the European Council President, Charles Michel.

From the first round of consultations conducted since the autumn, several areas of action have emerged. These sectors have been categorised under "a strong and secure Europe", which covers elements like security and defence, migration, and EU enlargement; "a prosperous and competitive Europe", emphasising economic performance, energy and ecological transition, and innovation; and "a free and democratic Europe", which will seek to defend common values and rule of law.

A second phase of discussions, spearheaded by Charles Michel, is set to occur within the next two weeks in four European capitals: Vilnius, Bucharest, Warsaw, and Vienna. Each meeting allows a small group of member states to gather.

The objective of the second round of talks is to delve deeper into each area, set a course, and identify concrete measures to be taken.

This strategic agenda will be formally discussed at the European summit on 17 April and 18 with a view to adoption by summer.

"As the world becomes more unstable and complex, the EU faces economic and geopolitical challenges," stated the European Council’s website. "Now more than ever, leaders need to establish a clear strategic plan for the upcoming years and provide a solid framework for our most immediate actions."

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