21 new professions in high demand include welder and pastry chef

21 new professions in high demand include welder and pastry chef
Credit: PxHere

The list of “bottleneck professions” – jobs where the demand for applicants far outweighs the number of qualified workers available – has grown by 21, including tax inspector and pastry chef.

The list is published by the Flemish employment and training agency VDAB, and lists a total of 188 jobs. They include insurance adviser, surveyor, bricklayer, ventilation fitter, hairdresser and bar staff.

The new additions to the list are ironworker, IT manager, tax inspector, hotel-restaurant manager, hotel-restaurant supervisor, general hotel employee, general restaurant employee, sommelier, shop employee, shipping mechanic, pastry chef, welder, machine assembly and fitting, machine operator in the pharmaceutical industry, operator of machines for paper or cardboard, landscaper, medical imaging technician, primary school teacher, childcare manager, childcare supervisor and lifeguard.

The full list is available at the VDAB website.

The list of hard to fill jobs indicates for which professions the shortage can be felt most strongly, but my conversations with employers show that it is practically everywhere. I therefore strongly encourage employers to broaden their horizons and to look at people's potential as much as possible,” said Wim Adriaens, managing director of VDAB.

If there is a click between the candidate and the employer, VDAB and partners are ready to offer support with various measures such as workplace learning, training and job coaching to provide job seekers with training tailored to their job. VDAB wants to offer every employer a clear view of the talent available, and every job seeker a clear view of the careers out there.”

Alan Hope

The Brussels Times

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