Belgian documentary Before We Go wins award at the Poitiers Work Film Festival

Belgian documentary Before We Go wins award at the Poitiers Work Film Festival

The Belgian documentary “Before we go” by Jorge León received the award for "Restoration of Contemporary Work" at the Poitiers Work Film Festival.
It follows the story of three people reaching the end of their lives and also their interactions with artists.

The seventh year of the festival was given over to the challenges of globalization. Twenty documentary films from around fifteen countries were pitted against each other for the main award.

First prize, worth 3,000.00 euros went to the Algerian film Fi rassi rond-point (which translates into English as “In my head there is a roundabout”). The film immerses the viewer for an hour and forty minutes in the abattoirs of Algiers, the oldest in Africa, where “Men both live and work upon their tasks and dreams, behind closed doors at lightening speeds,” festival organisers sum up.

“The prize specifically nominated by the public, went to the film ‘Hier Sprach der Preis’ (which translates as “The price is key”) by Sabrina Jaegar, who filmed the daily lives of the last two employees of a German DIY shop over which closure loomed.

Within the premises of La Monnaie, the Belgian National Opera House Before We Go tells the story of the meeting of three artists - dancers and choreographers who come to know three other individuals, whose health gradually becomes weaker. It pays homage to the frailty of the human form. It has received several awards, being chosen for the Magritte du Cinema awards in 2015.

The purpose of the Poitiers Work Film Festival is to make a mass audience aware of cinema production around the work theme. “In an instant one can witness the return of work to the cinema,” the organisation website claims.

(Source: Belga)

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