The country casts their vote: Belgian election day in pictures

The country casts their vote: Belgian election day in pictures
Voters wait at a polling station in Vilvoorde. Credit: Belga/ Tom Goyvaerts

Millions of Belgians headed to the polls on Sunday 9 June to vote in the federal, regional and European elections. From people queuing at polling stations to politicians posing as they cast their votes, here are the highlights caught on camera.

Waiting in line

From 08:00 on Sunday, people headed to polling stations across the country. Several hours after opening, queues were already forming, with some voters waiting several hours before entering booths.

People queuing in a sports hall in De Pinte, East Flanders. Credit: Belga/ James Arthur Gekiere

Queuing in Schaerbeek. Credit: The Brussels Times

The young and the old

For the first time in Belgium, 16 and 17 year-olds were eligible to vote in the European elections, with 244,957 called to booths. Some organisers said that the additional voters contributed to the queues seen at some polling stations.

A teenager casting her vote. Credit: Belga/ Hatim Kaghat

Credit: Belga/ Hatim Kaghat

Older voters were also visible, with some resting their legs as they waited their turn.

Elderly man waiting to vote in Vilvoorde. Credit: Belga/ Tom Goyvaerts

Two elderly ladies queue in line at a polling station in Woluwe-Saint-Pierre. Credit: Belga/ Hatim Kaghat

What were the leaders up to?

Not only was it a momentous day for voting but Sunday also marked Fathers' Day in Belgium. Several of the nation's key political figures were pictured with their families on the sunny day, before the political groups gathered later in the day as results came in.

Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo (Open Vld) goes jogging with his wife Annik Penders and their dog after voting. Credit: Belga/ Nicolas Maeterlinck

Les Engagés chairman Maxime Prevot leaves on his Vespa motorcycle after casting his vote at a polling station in Namur. Credit: Belga/ Bruno Fahy

Come evening, the mood was decidedly sombre as Open Vld faced up to resounding electoral losses. Credit: Belga

MR chairman Georges-Louis Bouchez was all smiles after a surge in support. Credit: Belga

Vlaams Belang chairman Tom Van Grieken was triumphant at the Vlaams Belang post-election party in Londerzeel. Credit: Belga

PS chairman Paul Magnette delivers a speech at the post-election meeting the Socialist Party. Credit: Belga

PVDA-PTB chairman Raoul Hedebouw and former leader Peter Mertens at the party's post-election meeting. Credit: Belga

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