Hate crimes against LGBTI+ persons are on the rise in Belgium, UNIA warns

Hate crimes against LGBTI+ persons are on the rise in Belgium, UNIA warns
Credit: Belga

Hate crimes targeting Belgium's LGBTI+ community increased in 2023, the Belgian Centre for Equal Opportunities and Opposition to Racism (UNIA) warns.

“Even if the rights of LGBTI+ persons are increasingly protected in Belgium, UNIA finds that they are still the primary victims of violence, intimidation and harassment, whether in real life or on social media,” says UNIA Director Patrick Charlier.

Last year, the centre processed 157 cases linked to sexual orientation - 8% of all closed cases. This percentage has doubled since 2020, when it was 4%.

“More than half of the homophobia-related cases that UNIA has closed involve acts of hate such as assault and battery, and intimidation, as against fewer than a quarter for other types of cases,” Charlier adds.

Hate crimes accounted for 85 cases last year, marking a five-year high.

In 2023, 28% of these cases involved hate speech related to sexual orientation.

However, UNIA notes that these figures are only the tip of the iceberg. In Belgium, only 14% of assaulted LGBTI+ individuals interviewed in a comprehensive survey by the European Union’s Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) had reported the incident to the police.

While acknowledging progress, UNIA says societal attitudes still need to evolve and that the current political climate is not favourable.

The centre is urgently calling for the development of a nationwide action plan to combat discrimination against the LGBTI+ community.

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