Belgium's new state bonds raise €482.5 million

Belgium's new state bonds raise €482.5 million
The Federal Debt Agency of Belgium in Brussels. Credit: Belga/Christophe Ketels

People subscribed to Belgium's new state bonds for a total of €482,495,800 last week, the Federal Debt Agency announced on Tuesday.

The majority of that amount – €472.4 million – went to the state bond with a one-year maturity, which has a net return of 2.24%. The remaining €10.1 million went to the eight-year state bond, with a 1.96% net return, the Agency announced.

From 24 May to 3 June, interested parties could register for the state bonds. At the Federal Debt Agency itself, through the General Ledgers service, 11,587 registrations were received for a total amount of €240 million. The rest of the deposits went through the banks.

During the previous issue of government bonds in March, €433 million was subscribed. At the beginning of September, the government raised €21.9 billion with an immensely popular one-year bond, due to its reduced 15% withholding tax.

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