SNCB to give smaller Belgian train stations a millionaire makeover

SNCB to give smaller Belgian train stations a millionaire makeover
Credit: Belga

National railway operator SNCB announced a €30 to €40 million annual investment until 2032 to improve smaller Belgian stations on Thursday. The funding will enhance accessibility and signage, as well as expand bicycle and car parking facilities.

The 455 smaller stations, serving fewer than 10,000 commuters weekly, will receive a uniform platform upgrade. The refurbishment includes new shelters, seating, bins, signage, station clocks, and illuminated information boards. Any remaining gravel on platforms will be replaced with asphalt.

Additional enhancements feature totems to increase the stations' visibility within the cityscape and a switch to LED lighting.

Efforts will also focus on improving accessibility. By 2032, the plan is to expand bicycle parking across the country by 30% and car parking by 7%. The number of autonomously accessible stations – equipped with facilities for the visually impaired and wheelchair users – will double.

Although the emphasis rests on larger stations, smaller stations' autonomous accessibility should rise by half within the same timeframe.

These investments fall under the Public Service Contract that SNCB concluded with the Federal Government in 2023.

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