Pope to meet with sexual abuse victims during trip to Belgium

Pope to meet with sexual abuse victims during trip to Belgium
The Royal visit to the vatican in 2015. Credit: Belga/Eric Lalmand

Pope Francis will meet victims of sexual violence during his visit to Belgium at the end of September, according to a statement from the Interdiocesan Press and Information Service (SIPI) released on Friday.

The schedule for the Pope’s visit to Belgium was disclosed by the Vatican on Friday. It will take place from the evening of Thursday 26 September to Sunday 29 September and will commemorate the 600th anniversary of KU Leuven and UCLouvain.

Upon landing at Melsbroek on Thursday evening, Pope Francis will be officially welcomed by King Philippe and Queen Mathilde, Belgian bishops, and the rectors of both universities, amongst others from the ecclesiastical and civil sectors.

On Friday morning, the King and Queen will receive the Pope at Laeken Castle, where he will address various constitutional representatives and Belgian civil society. The Pope is then expected to visit Louvain, where he will speak to professors and students, focusing on the university's commitment to those most vulnerable in society, particularly refugees.

On Saturday morning, the Pope will confer with pastoral workers at the Basilica of Koekelberg. In the afternoon, he will venture to Louvain-la-Neuve for discussions with students and professors on the topic of climate change.

The papal visit will conclude on Sunday morning with a Eucharist at the Roi Baudouin stadium. Here, the Pope will also beatify Carmelite Anne de Jésus, who passed away in Brussels. The service will be broadcasted live worldwide. Tickets will be available online to reserve from Monday 19 August.

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In addition to his official duties, Pope Francis will meet sexual abuse survivors during his visit to Belgium. This meeting will be held with full discretion, states the SIPI. No further details will be disclosed until the meeting, according to the press release.

The last visit from a head of the Catholic church to the country was in 1995, when Pope John Paul II journeyed to Brussels for the beatification of Father Damien.

Based on latest figures from UCLouvain, nearly 65% of the Belgian population identifies as Christian, with 58% being Catholic.

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