Dour Festival: 300 ecstasy pills seized from one individual, three injured in fire

Dour Festival: 300 ecstasy pills seized from one individual, three injured in fire
Dour Festival 2023. Credit: Belga / Justin Namur

Dour Festival welcomed 53,400 attendees to Hainaut on Saturday, but the day was marked by a series of events including a major drugs seizure and a fire, La Dernière Heure reports.

"The fourth day of the festival was the biggest in terms of attendance, and the storms and wind that had been forecast did not materialise in the end, allowing the events to continue unabated," the Hauts-Pays police zone told local media.

However, at around 19:15 on Saturday, a camping gas cylinder exploded at the crew campsite (reserved for volunteers). This resulted in a fire breaking out in an arbour. The fire brigade quickly brought it under control, but three people were nevertheless injured in the explosion. Two suffered serious burns and were taken to hospital; the third sustained minor injuries.

In addition to these injuries, one individual in possession of 300 ecstasy pills was arrested. Two administrative arrests were also made overnight for drunkenness and aggression against security guards and medical staff.

In terms of mobility, the situation on Saturday was the same as on Friday. The flow of traffic was intensified by the arrival of a large number of day visitors, but there were no major issues.

Driving under the influence and drug seizures

Checks were coordinated between the Boraine police zone, the customs service and the Walloon Region's tax inspection brigade. A total of 261 vehicles were inspected and 28 drivers under the influence were identified (20 for alcohol and eight for drugs). These checks also led to 16 licence withdrawals and four vehicle removals.

In terms of drugs, they seized over 40 grams of marijuana, 12 ecstasy pills, 500 ml of GHB and just under 2 grams of ketamine. The anti-narcotics system located at the entrance to the festival also seized over 108 grams of marijuana and 30 joints, almost 12 grams of cocaine, 151 ecstasy pills, 1.2 grams of amphetamine, over 35 grams of MDMA, 29 grams of ketamine and four LSD patches.

Furthermore, the judicial system reported the seizure of 300 ecstasy pills, ten canisters of nitrous oxide, €315 in cash, three mobile phones and a car.

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